
  • 1992.4–1997.2
    Dr.phil. in Linguistics, The University of Tübingen, Germany
    Dissertation: Argumentstruktur und Linking im constraint-basierten Lexikon – Ein Zwei-Stufen-Modell für eine HPSG-Analyse von Ergativität und Passivierung im Deutschen (written in German, Argument Structure and Linking in the constraint-based Lexicon – A Two-level Model for an HPSG-Analysis of Ergativity and Passivization in German)
    Committee: Prof. Dr. Erhard W. Hinrichs (Supervisor), Prof. Dr. Arnim von Stechow, Prof. Dr. Marga Reis, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Drubig, Prof. Dr. Veronica Erich
  • 1990.10–1992.3
    Ph.D. Candidate (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Jacobs)
    Department of Linguistics, The University of Wuppertal, Germany
  • 1989.3–1990.9
    Ph.D. Candidate (Supervisor: Prof. Soo-Song Shin, Dr.phil.)
    Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • 1985.3–1987.2
    M.A. in German Linguistics (Supervisor: Prof. Soo-Song Shin, Dr.phil.)
    Thesis: Syntax and Semantics of the Control Phenomena in German (written in Korean)
    Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • 1981.3–1985.2
    B.A. in German Language and Literature
    Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea

Academic Appointments

  • 2009.9–present Professor (Tenure)
    Department of Linguistics & Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2003.10–2009.8 Associate Professor
    Department of Linguistics & Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 1999.9–2003.9 Assistant Professor
    Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 1997.3–1999.8 Part-time Lecturer
    Seoul National University, Chungnam National University, Soongsil University, Seoul Women’s University, Sungshin Women’s University, Gacheon University, etc., South Korea
  • 1995.10–1996.3 Lehrbeauftragter (Lecturer, Seminar on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar)
    Department of Linguistics, The University of Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 1988.3–1990.2 Part-time Lecturer & Department Assistant
    Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea

Academic Administrative Services

  • 2023.10–present Director of the Humanities Utmost Sharing Systems (HUSS),
    Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2016.2–2018.1 Head of Department
    Department of Linguistics & Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2015.3–2016.2 President,
    Nation-wide Council of Deans of Colleges of Humanities National Universities of Korea
  • 2014.2–2016.1 Director, Research Institute of Humanities
    Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2014.2–2016.1 Dean, College of Humanities
    Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2010.2–2013.2 Director, Center for Speech-Language Pathology
    Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2005.3–2007.2 Head of Department
    Department of Linguistics & Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2005.3–2006.5 Vice-Dean
    College of Humanities, Chungnam National University, South Korea

University-Internal Committee Services

  • 2018.3.1.~2018.3.31.: 충남대학교 언어치료센터장
  • 2016.3.1.~2018.2.28.: 충남대학교 인문대학 언어학과 학과장 겸 대학원 언어병리학과 주임교수
  • 2016.8.5.~2018.8.4.: 평화안보대학원위원회 위원
  • 2014.2.1~2016.1.31.: 충남대학교 인문대학장, 인문학연구원장, 대전인문학포럼 대표 (겸임)
  • 2012.7.26-2012.10.18.: 충남대학교 교원업적평가 시행지침 TF팀 위원
  • 2012.1.9-2012.1.21.: 충남대학교 제17대 총장 인수위원회 위원
  • 2010.12.21.-2011.8.31.: 충남대학교 당진캠퍼스 설립추진위원회 위원 (기획처 기획과, 2011.8.31까지)
  • 2010.6.3.-2010.12.31.: 충남대학교 법인화위원회 위원 (교육 학사분과)
  • 2010.2.1.-2013.2.28.: 충남대학교 인문대학 부설 언어치료센터 센터장
  • 2008.10.6.-2009.8.31.: 충남대학교 인문대학 공간 리모델링 위원회 위원
  • 2008.6.11.-2009.1.31.: 충남대학교 부속기관 평가위원회 위원 (기획처)
  • 2007.3.1.-2009.1.31.: 충남대학교 교원채용심사위원회 위원 (교무처)
  • 2006.11.9.-2008.11.8.: 충남대학교 평가기획위원회 위원 (기획처, 2006.11.9.-2008.11.8.)
  • 2005.12.7.-2007.12.6.: 충남대학교 인문대학 교원업적평가실무위원회 위원
  • 2006.9.1.-2008.2.28.: 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 인문학연구 편집위원
  • 2006.5.17.-2007.2.28.: 충남대학교 중장기예산기획소위원회 위원
  • 2005.11.21.-2006.3.18.: 충남대학교 등록금책정위원회 위원장
  • 2005.5.1.~2006.3.18.: 충남대학교 구조개혁위원회 위원
  • 2005.5.1.~2006.3.18.: 충남대학교 기획예산위원회 위원
  • 2005.5.1.~2006.3.18.: 충남대학교-공주대학교 통합추진실무위원회 위원
  • 2005.3.1.-2006.3.18.: 충남대학교 인문대학 언어학과 학과장, 대학원 주임교수 (이론/전산언어학 & 언어병리학)
  • 2005.3.1.-2006.3.18.: 충남대학교 인문대학 부학장 (선임학과장), 인문계열 부장


  • 1998.8–1999.4 Post-Doctoral Fellowship,
    Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), South Korea
  • 1992.4–1996.3 Doctoral Fellowship
    Graduate Program of the Interdisciplinary Linguistic Studies (Graduiertenkolleg “Integrietes Linguistikstudium”)
    Department of Linguistics, The University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 1981.3–1985.2 O-Yang Undergraduate Scholarship,
    Seoul National University, South Korea

Visiting Scholars

  • 2021.9–2022.8 Visiting Scholar (faculty sponsor: Prof. Eunji Lee),
    Carolina Asia Center (CAC), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • 2013.8–2013.10 Visiting Scholar (faculty sponsor: Prof.Dr. Sebastian Löbner),
    Department of Linguistics, The University of Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 2009.3–2010.2 Visiting Scholar (faculty sponsor: Prof. Ivan A. Sag),
    Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, USA

Research Positions and Assistantships

  • 1999.5–1999.8 Senior Researcher, Natural Language Processing Lab.
    Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), South Korea
  • 1996.10–1996.12 Wissenschftliche Mitarbeiter (BAT-IIa/2),
    Sonderforschungsbereich 282 “Theorie des Lexikons” (Prof.Dr. Sebastian Löbner), The University of Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 1996.6–1996.9 Wissenschftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi),
    Sonderforschungsbereich 340 “Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen für die Computerlinguistik” (Prof.Dr. Erhard Hinrichs), The University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 1995.11–1995.12 Wissenschftliche Mitarbeiter (BAT-IIa),
    Sonderforschungsbereich 282 “Theorie des Lexikons” (Prof.Dr. Sebastian Löbner), The University of Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 1995.8–1995.10 Wissenschftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi),
    Sonderforschungsbereich 340 “Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen für die Computerlinguistik” (Prof.Dr. Arnim von Stechow), The University of Tübingen, Germany
  • 1991.7–1992.3 Wissenschftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi),
    Sonderforschungsbereich 282 “Theorie des Lexikons” (Prof.Dr. Ewald Lang), The University of Wuppertal, Germany
  • 1989.9–1990.8 Research Assistant,
    Natural Language Processing, Seoul National University, funded by IBM, South Korea
  • 1988.10–1989.4 Research Assistant,
    A Preliminary Study on Korean Language Processing, Seoul National University, funded by Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), South Korea

Editorial Positions

  • 2011.11–2015.2 Editor-in-Chief, Language and Information
  • 2007.1–2009.12 Editorial Board, Koreanische Zeitschrift für Deutschunterricht
  • 2007.1–2009.12 Editorial Board, Korean Journal of Communication Disorders
  • 2005.1–2006.12 Editorial Board, Journal of Humanities Studies
  • 2004.1–2006.12 Editorial Board, Journal of the Linguistic Association of Korea
  • 2003.1–2009.12 Editorial Board, Language and Information
  • 1999.9–present Occasional reviewer of abstracts for the conferences,
    International Conference on Head-driven Phrase-Structure Grammar (HPSG), Pacific-Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC), Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL), Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Korea (LSK), Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Annual Conference on Hangeul and Korean Language Processing, International Congress of Linguists (CIL), and World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics (WCSEL)
  • 1997.9–present Occasional reviewer of grant proposals,
    Korea Research Foundation, and the Ministry of Education, South Korea
  • 1994.1–present Occasional reviewer of manuscripts for the international journals,
    The International Journal of Linguistics, Studies in Language, Korean Journal of Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Applied Psycholinguistics

Professional Activities

  • 2021.1–2023.12 President,
    The Korean Society for Corpus Linguistics, South Korea
  • 2019.3–present Vice-President,
    The Linguistic Society of Korea, South Korea
  • 2017.3–2018.2 Vice-President,
    The Korean Society of Cognitive Science, South Korea
  • 2017.3–2019.2 President,
    The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), South Korea
  • 2013.1–2018.12 Member of Standing Committee of the International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
  • 2007.1–2011.12 Member of the Executive Committee
    The Linguistic Society of Korea, South Korea
  • 2007.1–2007.12 Officer of Organization Affairs
    The Korean Society for Cognitive Science, South Korea
  • 2007.1–present Member of the Executive Committee
    Language Engineering Group, The Korean Information Science Society (KISS), South Korea
  • 2006.1–2006.12 Secretary General
    The Korean Society for Cognitive Science, South Korea
  • 2006.1–2007.12 Member of the Executive Committee
    The Korean Speech-Language & Hearing Association, South Korea
  • 2005.12–2006.11 Officer of Public Affairs
    The International Society for Chomskyan Studies, South Korea
  • 2003.1–present Secretary General of the Korean Expert Committee
    ISO (International Organization for Standardization), TC37-SC4 “Language Resource Management”
  • 2001.3–2003.2 Officer of Public Affairs
    The Korean Society for Language and Information, South Korea

Conference Organization

  • 2019.1–2020.12 Member of the Local Organizing Committee,
    The 2nd World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics (WCSEL2), to be held in Sept. 2020, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2012.1–2012.12 Chair of Local Organizing Committee,
    The 19th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2012), July 20-21, 2012, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2012.1–2012.12 Chair of Local Organizing Committee,
    Tutorial on Experimental Design for Linguists, July 18, 2012, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2012.1–2012.12 Chair of Local Organizing Committee,
    Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar, July 19, 2012, Chungnam National University, South Korea
  • 2012.1–2012.6 Member of the Local Organizing Committee,
    The 1st World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics (WCSEL1), June 26-30, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2009.9–2009.12 Topic Organizer for “Computational Linguistics”,
    Seoul International Conference on Linguistics 2010, SICOL 2010
  • 2008.1–2008.12 Member of the Program Committee
    The 6th International Conference on Cognitive Science (Yonsei University)
  • 2007.1–2007.12 Member of the Program Committee
    The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 21), Seoul National University
  • 2007.1–2007.12 Chair of the Program Committee
    The 19th Conference of the Society for Hangeul and Korean Language Processing
  • 2003.7–2003.10 Member of the Program Committee
    The 15th Conference of the Society for Hangeul and Korean Language Processing (Korea University)
  • 2001.1–2001.12 Chair of the Organization Committee & Member of the Program Committtee
    The 4th China-Korea Joint Symposium on Information Technology for Oriental Language Processing and Pattern Recognition, Nov. 16-17, 2001, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2001.9–2001.12 Member of the Program Committee
    The 13th Conference of the Society for Hangeul and Korean Language Processing (Dongguck University, Kyungju)2001, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2000.3–2000.12 Chair of the Organization Committee & Chair of the Program Committee
    The 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information
  • 1999.1–1999.12 Member of the Organizing Committee (Korean Side)
    The 3rd China-Korea Joint Symposium on Information Technology for Oriental Language Processing and Pattern Recognition
  • 1997.2–1997.7 Member of the Program Committee
    The 5th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG-97), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Research Grants

  • 2023.7–2026.2 The Humanities Utmost Sharing Systems (HUSS), funded by Korea Research Foundation/Ministry of Education
  • 2019.2–2019.8 A White Paper on Achievements of Initiative for College of Humanities’ Research and Education(CORE), funded by Korea Research Foundation/Ministry of Education
  • 2018.6–2019.1 On the Gapless Relative Clauses in Korean, funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2017.7–2018.2 A Study on the Repetitive and Restitutive Readings of ”tasi”(again) in Korean, funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2015.7–2015.12 A Study on Establishing a Master Plan for Enforcing Humanities Competence at Universities, funded by Korea Research Foundation/Ministry of Education
  • 2010.7–2010.11 A Study on the System for Administration and Efficiency of Research Funds, funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2007.9–2008.8 A Study on the Conceptual System and the Inference Patterns of Spatial Dimension Terms in Korean, funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2006.4–2007.1 Integration and Verification of the National Ontology of Information Technology (CORE-ONTO), funded by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication, Korea
  • 2006.6–2006.11 Development of Translation Patterns for Korean-English Machine Translation Systems, funded by ETRI, Korea
  • 2005.5–2006.2 A Study on the Reorganization and Fund-Raising for the Language Education Center, CNU, funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2005.3–2005.10 A Study on the Efficient Processing of Complex Sentences for the Korean-English Machine Translation System for Patent Documents, funded by the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
  • 2004.5–2004.11 A Study on the Linguistic Characteristics of Patent Documents, funded by ETRI
  • 2003.9–2004.08 The Development and Implementation of a constraint-based Grammar Fragment for Korean using Linguistic Knowledge Building System (LKB), funded by the Research Foundation of Chungnam National University
  • 2000.4–2000.10 Building a Large-scale Translation Pattern Database from CNN News Caption Texts for English-Korean Machine Translation System, funded by ETRI
  • 1998.6–1999.8 CaptionEye/KE: Korean-English Machine Translation System, funded by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication
  • 1998.6–1999.8 FromTo/KE: Korean-English Machine Translation System, funded by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication


  • 2004.12 Best Researcher Award, Chungnam National University
  • 2015.12 Ministry of Education Award, South Korea
  • 2018.1–2019.12 2018 & 2019 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Listed on 2018 & 2019 Marquis Who's Who in the World

Courses Taught

  • 1999.9–present Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University
    • Syntax,
    • Syntactic Analysis,
    • Morphology,
    • Grammatical Theory,
    • Korean Grammar in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar,
    • Introduction to Computational Linguistics,
    • Introduction to Corpus Linguistics,
    • Introduction to Mathematical Linguistics,
    • Languages of Advertising
    • Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar,
    • Information-based Syntax and Semantics,
    • Lexical Semantics,
    • Language and Cognition,
    • Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics,
    • Syntax and Semantics of Relative Clauses,
    • Semantics of Comparison,
    • Seminar on Implementation of Morphological Analysis Systems,
    • Seminar on Implementation of Syntactic Analysis Systems
  • 2000.3–2001.6 School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Introduction to Computational Linguistics
  • 2000.9–2000.12 Interdisciplinary Program for Computational Linguistics, Yonsei University
    • Introduction to Computational Linguistics
  • 2000.8–2000.8 Invited Lecturer, The 2nd Academy of the Korean Language Processing (Yonsei University)
    • Unification-based Grammars and Grammar Formalisms
  • 1997.3–1999.8 Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, Seoul Women’s University, Sungshin Women’s University, Soongsil University and Kyungwon University
    • German I (Basic),
    • German II (Advanced),
    • Introduction to German Linguistics
    • German Syntax,
    • German Semantics
  • 1996.4–1996.10 Department of Linguistics, The University of Düsseldorf, Germany
    • Seminar on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
  • 1990.3–1990.8 Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University
    • German I (Basic),
    • German II (Advanced)
  • 1989.8–1990.8 Department of German Language and Literature, Dongduck Women’s University
    • Introduction to German Linguistics,
    • History of German

Student Supervision

Ph.D. Dissertation

  1. Young-Hee Lee, Ph.D. in Linguistics, 2011.2
  2. Kyungnam Lee, Ph.D. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  3. Mi-Kyung Shin, Ph.D. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  4. Myung-Sook Cho, Ph.D. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  5. Ahn-Young Kang, Ph.D. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  6. Eun-Young Park, Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics

M.A. Thesis

  1. Cheongmin Yook, M.A. in Linguistics, 2001.8
  2. Hye-Jin Han, M.A. Candidate in Linguistics
  3. Yoon-Ju Lee, M.A. Candidate in Linguistics
  4. Koaung-Hee Un, M.A. in Computational Linguistics, 2004.8
  5. Young-Ae Kang, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2007.8
  6. Eun-Ju Lee, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2009.2
  7. Kyung-Jin Han, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2009.2
  8. Eun-Ah Jung, M.A. in Linguistics, 2011.2
  9. Eun-Young Park, M.A. in Linguistics, 2009.2
  10. So-Hyun Chun, M.A. Candidate in Computational Linguistics
  11. Hee-Wu Han, M.A. in Linguistics, 2012.8
  12. Woo-Yeon Lee, M.A. in Linguistics, 2012.8
  13. Hyun-Jin Lee, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2018.2
  14. Eun-Jung Lee, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2014.2
  15. Yoon-Jung Eom, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2014.2
  16. Jung-Hyun Han, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2018.2
  17. Yeon-Kyung Lee, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2015.2
  18. Mi-Young Jang, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2015.2
  19. Jung-Eun Kang, M.A. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  20. Min-Hee Kim, M.A. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  21. Ji-Eun Sohn, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2013.2
  22. Yong-Sook Lee, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2014.2
  23. Ji-Sun Jung, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2016.2
  24. Sun-Sook Moon, M.A. Candidate in Speech-Language Pathology
  25. Donna Kim, M.A. Candidate in Linguistics (in progress)
  26. Boram Lim, M.A. Candidate in Linguistics (in progress)
  27. Sung-Sook Park, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology. 2020.2.
  28. Eun-Young Park, M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology, 2020.8.

Publications: Books and Chapters

Books and Chapters

  1. No, Y., Seong, Ch.-J., Lee, K. and Ryu, B.-R. (2016): Language and Computers (Translation of Markus Dickinson, Chris Brew, Detmar Meurers (2013), Language and Computers, Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell), 2016, Daejeon: CNU Press (ISBN 978-89-7599-54-4 93700) [written in Korean, May 20, 2016].
  2. Ryu, B.-R. (2014): “Semantic Constraints on Multiple Case Marking in Korean,” in Doris Gerland, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.), Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. 77-112. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
  3. Yang, H., Ryu, B.-R., Yoo, Y.-W., Jung, Y.-S., Choi, D., Park, J.-D. and Yoon, J.-B. (2011): What is Cognitive Culture?, Daejeon: CNU Press (ISBN 978-89-7599-418-0 93000) [written in Korean, Dec. 31, 2011].
  4. Bae, J., Park, J.-S. and Ryu, B.-R. (2007a): Understanding Aphasia (Translation of Jürgen Tesak (2005): Einführung in die Aphasiologie. 2., aktualisierte Auflage, Stuttgart/New York: Thieme Verlag), 2007, Seoul: Hakjisa (ISBN 978-89-5891-55-53(8958915552)) [written in Korean, Oct. 15, 2007].
  5. Ryu, B.-R. (2007b): “A constraint-based Analysis of the 3rd Constructions in German,” State of the Art and Prospect of German Linguistics – A Festschrift for Soo-Song Shin, Seoul: Hanwool Publishing Company [written in Korean, Feb. 26, 2007].
  6. Ryu, B.-R. (2003a): Argumentstruktur und Linking im constraintbasierten Lexikon, Seoul: Hankwuk Mwunhwasa (ISBN 89-7735-990-2-93740, Disseration Series No. 248) [written in German, Jan. 15, 2003].
  7. Ryu, B.-R. (2003b): “Lexical Semantics,” in Soo Song Shin (ed.), Syntax and Semantics of the German Language, pp.221-287, Seoul: Yekrak (ISBN 89-5556-184-9-93750) [written in Korean, Mar. 10, 2003].
  8. Chang, S.-J., Lee, K., Lee, M., Choi, K.-S., Un, K. and Ryu, B.-R. (2002): Foundations of Computational Linguistics, (Translation of Roland Hausser (2001): Foundations of Computational Linguistics, Berlin: Springer Verlag), Seoul: Hankwuk Publishing Company (ISBN 89-7735-954-6 93700) [written in Korean, Aug. 31, 2002].
  9. Ryu, B.-R. (1995): “Negation, Dual Negation, and Duality of Delimiters,” in C. Lee (ed.), Interfaces in Korean Linguistics: ’93 Ohio State LSA Workshop, 3-18, Thaehaksa, Seoul.
  10. Ryu, B.-R. (1994): “Argumentstruktur und Argumentvererbung in deverbalen Nominalderivata und -komposita im Deutschen,” in M. Hong and K. Kang (eds.), Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Byong-Tschan Rhie, 356-383, Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National University.

Publications: Edited Volumes

Edited Volumes

  1. Ryu, B.-R. (2015): A New Light - Humanities, Daejeon: CNU Humanities Forum (CNU Humanities Forum Series 4, ISBN 978-89-6627-111-5 03800) [written in Korean, Dec. 30, 2015].
  2. Ryu, B.-R. and Choi, K.-S. (2001): Proceedings of the 4th ChinaKorea Joint Symposium on Information Technology for Oriental Language Processing and Pattern Recognition (CKITOP 2001) [Nov. 16-17, 2001, KAIST], KOTERM, KAIST & Dept. of Linguistics, Chungnam National University.
  3. Ryu, B.-R. (2000): Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information [June 16-17, 2000, Chungnam National University], Daejeon.

Publications: Working Papers (Single Volume)

Working Papers (Single Volume)

  1. Ryu, B.-R. (2015): A New Light - Humanities, Daejeon: CNU Humanities Forum (CNU Humanities Forum Series 4, ISBN 978-89-6627-111-5 03800) [written in Korean, Dec. 30, 2015].
  2. Ryu, B.-R. and Choi, K.-S. (2001): Proceedings of the 4th ChinaKorea Joint Symposium on Information Technology for Oriental Language Processing and Pattern Recognition (CKITOP 2001) [Nov. 16-17, 2001, KAIST], KOTERM, KAIST & Dept. of Linguistics, Chungnam National University.
  3. Ryu, B.-R. (2000): Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information [June 16-17, 2000, Chungnam National University], Daejeon.

Publications: Refereed Journal Articles

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Ryu, B.-R. (2022): “Arguments and Non-arguments for Internally-Headed Relative Clauses in Korean,” Language and Information 26.2, 1-25 [Dec. 31, 2022].
  2. Ryu, B.-R. (2018): “On the Ambiguity of tasi (again) in Korean: A Presupposition-based Lexical Account,” Korean Journal of Linguistics 43.2, 695-720 [Dec. 31, 2018].
  3. Ryu, B.-R. (2017): “On the Optionality of the Comparative Marker the in Korean,” Language and Information 21.2, 191-213 [July 31, 2017].
  4. Ryu, B.-R. (2016): “States-of-the-Art of Humanities in the Universities in the Era of Humanities Paradox,” Chang (Window) 1, 6-9 [Mar. 25, 2016].
  5. Ryu, B.-R. (2013): “Multiple Case Marking Constructions in Korean Revisited,” Language and Information 17.2, 1-28.
  6. Ryu, B.-R. (2009): “Cognition and Inferences of the Dimensional Terms in Korean,” Korean Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.20, No.4, 383-423. [Dec. 31, 2009].
  7. Ryu, B.-R. (2007a): “Eine Argumentstruktur-basierte lexiaklistische Analyse von unpersönlichen Medialkonstruktionen im Deutschen,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Sprachwissenschaft 16, pp.41-69 [Dec. 31, 2007].
  8. Ryu, B.-R. (2007b): “Eine Untersuchung zum Verhältnis zwischen dem grammatischen Status von sich und der Passivierbarkeit von reflexiven Verben im Deutschen,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Sprachwissenschaft 15, pp.141-161 [June 30, 2007].
  9. Ryu, B.-R. (2006): “A Fragment of constraint-based Korean Grammar and Its Verification based on the Linguistic Knowledge Building System – with a Special Focus on Light Verb Constructions,” Journal of Humanities Studies 33.2, pp.145-176.
  10. Ryu, B.-R. (2003): “SEIN oder HABEN - Ein constraint-basierter Ansatz zur Auxiliarselektion im Deutschen,” Zeitschrift für ermanistik 86 (Vol. 44.1, Mar. 31, 2003), pp.503-527.
  11. Ryu, B.-R. (2002a): “Constraints on the Conversion of the Participle II in German,” Language and Information (ISSN 1226-7430) Volume 6 Number 1 (Jun. 2002), pp.41-69.
  12. Ryu, B.-R. (2002b): “Eine constraint-baserte Analyse zur Syntax der dritten Konstruktion im Deutschen,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Sprachwissenschaft 6, pp.155-184, (Dec. 31, 2002).
  13. Ryu, B.-R. (1998a): “Interdisziplinäre Bildungssystem in Deutschland und Studium der Deutschkunde in Korea – am Beispiel des Graduiertenkollegs,” Journal of German Studies, pp.294-311, Institute for German Studies, Seoul National University.
  14. Ryu, B.-R. (1998b): “Unaccusativity and Unaccusative Mismatch in German,” Zeitschrift für Germanistik 66(1), pp.369-393.
  15. Ryu, B.-R. (1997): “Argumentstruktur und Argumentvererbung in deverbalen -ung-Derivata im Deutschen,” Zeitschrift für Germanistik Nr. 63(1), pp.316-340.

Publications: Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations (* = student first author)

  1. *Han, Song & Ryu, B.-R. (2023a): “A Corpus-based Comparative Study of the Roman『A Spoonful of Time』 (한 스푼의 시간) and 『Through Ivory Gate』(상아의 문으로) by Byung-Mo Koo”, Poster Presentation, 2023 Young Scholar Symposium of the Linguistic Society of Korea (Fri., Dec. 8, 2023, Korea University).
  2. Ryu, B.-R. (2023b): “Korean Internally-Headed Relative Clauses as “EVENT FOR PARTICIPANT” Metonymy: A Construction Grammar Approach,” Departmental Colloquium of the Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (Fri., Jun. 9, 2023).
  3. Ryu, B.-R. (2023c): “Anti-Clitic and Syntactic Derivation in Korean: Focussing on ‘ket’ , ‘nom’ , ‘ca’ ’,’ Joint Summer Conference of the Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL) and the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) (Sat., June 3, 2023, Korea University).
  4. Ryu, B.-R. (2023d): “Korean Internally-Headed Relative Clauses as ‘Event for Participant’ Metonymy, Joint Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information(KSLI), the Modern Linguistic Society of Korea (MLSK), the Korean Association of Language Science, and the Society of Modern Grammar (Sat., May 20, 2023, Keimyung University).
  5. Ryu, B.-R. (2018): “Gapless Relative Clauses as Syntactic Compounds,” Proceedings of the 2018 Spring Conference of Korean Society for Language and Information (2018.6.2., Kyungpook National University), 175-196 [June 2, 2018].
  6. *Jung, J.-S. and Ryu, B.-R. (2018): “Effects of Ontological Semantic Clues on Naming of Mild Anomic Aphasia Patients,” Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Korean Speech-Language and Hearing Association (Nov. 10, 2018, Luther University), 51-54 [Nov. 10, 2018].
  7. Ryu, B.-R. (2017a): “Current Issues and Trends in Gapless Relative Clauses,” Proceedings of the 9th Joint International Conference between CNU-Yanbian University (2017.11.8.-10., Chungnam National University), 43-60 [Nov. 9, 2017].
  8. Ryu, B.-R. (2017b): “Arguments and Non-arguments for InternallyHeaded Relative Clause Constructions in Korean,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Language and Information, Korean Society for Language and Information, Humanities Research Institute, and CNU CORE (2017.10.28., Chungnam National University), 121-144 [Oct. 28, 2017].
  9. Ryu, B.-R. (2017c): “The Syntax of Comparatives in Korean andthe Optionality of the Comparative Marker te,” Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Joint Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information, the English Linguistics Society of Korea, the Modern Linguistic Society of Korea, and the Korean Association of Language Studies (2017.6.23.-24., Jeju University), 50-54 [June 23, 2017].
  10. Ryu, B.-R. (2016): “Humanities Crisis in Korea and Its Countermeasures: Focussing on CORE Project,” Proceedings of the 8th Joint International Conference on Humanities between CNU and Yanbian University (2016.11.12.-13., Yanbian University, China), 1-6 [Nov. 12,2016].
  11. *Eom, Y.-J. and Ryu, B.-R. (2014): “A Study for tense comprehension characteristics of aphasic patients: comparison of tense in declarative sentence and adnominal clause,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Daegu Catholic University, 288-291 [Sept. 20, 2014].
  12. *Lee, E.-J. and Ryu, B.-R. (2014): “Relations between Story Comprehension and Working Memory Abilities of Third-Graders,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Korean Academy of SpeechLanguage Pathology and Audiology, Daegu Catholic University, 204-208 [Sept. 20, 2014].
  13. *Lee, Y.-S. and Ryu, B.-R. (2014): “Study on Production Abilityof Verb Argument Structure in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease:Focused on Verb Naming Task,” Proceedings of the Annual Conferenceof the Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology,Daegu Catholic University, 273-276 [Sept. 20, 2014].
  14. Ryu, B.-R. (2013): “Multiple Case Marking as Case Copying: A Unified Approach to Multiple Nominative and Accusative Constructionsin Korean,” in Stefan Müller (ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG2013, Aug. 26-29, 2013, Freie Universität zu Berlin), 182-202, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  15. *Park, E.-Y. and Ryu, B.-R. (2012): “A Critical Survey on the Clausal Predicate Hypothesis for Multiple Subject Constructions inKorean,” Proceedings of the 2012 Autumn Conference of the Linguistic Society of Korea, Seoul National University [Oct. 27, 2012].
  16. *Lee, W.-Y. and Ryu, B.-R. (2012): “A Study on Vocabulary Development Characteristics of Children in Multicultural Families: Focused on Native Languages of the Mothers,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Dankuk University [Sept. 15, 2012].
  17. *Park, E.-Y. and Ryu, B.-R. (2010): “Semantic System of Dimentional Terms in Korean,” Proceedings of the Joint Conference of theKorean Society for Language and Information and the Modern Linguistic Society of Korea, Gongju National University. [Nov. 13, 2010].
  18. Ryu, B.-R. (2010): “Licensing Nominals in the Multiple NominativeConstructions in Korean: A Mereological Perspective,” Proceedingsof the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information andComputation (PACLIC 24), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. [Nov.4-7, 2010].
  19. *Lee, Y.-H. and Ryu, B.-R. (2010a): “A Comparative Study on theAspectual Classification of Korean and Japanese Verbs in relation to‘-ess- ‘ ‘-essess- ‘ in Korean and ‘sudeni’ in Japanese,” Proceedingsof the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information andComputation (PACLIC 24), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. [Nov.4-7, 2010].
  20. *Lee, Y.-H. and Ryu, B.-R. (2010b): “A Comparative Study on the Aspectual Classification of Korean and Japanese Verbs: Focussing onSemantic Functions Combined with sudeni,” Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information, Chungnam National University, 35-50. [May 14-15, 2010].
  21. Ryu, B.-R. (2008): “On Cognition and Inference of Spatial Dimension in Korean,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science (ICCS 2008), pp.75-78, July 27-29, 2008 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, [July 27-29, 2008].
  22. *Kang, Y.-A., Kang, N. & Ryu, B.-R. (2007): “Effects of the LeeSilverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) on Voice Quality of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2007[Hallym University, Sept. 8, 2007].
  23. Ryu, B.-R. (2007): “A Corpus-linguistic Approach to BroadcastingNews Sentences in Korean – Focussing on Particles and Phrasal Endings,” Proceedings of the Joint Annual Conference of the Korean Linguistic Association, the Modern Linguistic Society, and the KoreanSociety for Language and Information 2007 (Co-author: Yong-Hun Lee & Jihee Yoo) [Chonbuk National University, May 19, 2007].
  24. Ryu, B.-R. (2006): “A Basic Research on the Design of the UpperOntology for Building National Ontology of Information Technology,” Proceedings of the Annual Summer Conference of the Korean Societyfor Language and Information [Jun. 16-17, 2006; Kangwon NationalUniversity, Chunchon, Korea].
  25. Lee, Y., Lee, S.-E. & Ryu, B.-R. (2005): “Processing of “-n ket.un” inMachine Translation - A Case Study of Patent Documents),” Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on the Processing of the KoreanAlphabet and the Korean Language (2005. 10. 21.-22., Konkuk University, Seoul].
  26. Ryu, B.-R. (2005): “On the Inferences of Dimensional Terms inKorean,” ms., Chungnam National University [Paper to be presentedat the 11th (2005) Harvard (Biennial) International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (Harvard ISOKL-2005, 2005. 8. 5.-7., HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA].
  27. Lee, Y. & Ryu, B.-R. (2004): “Processing Noun-Modifying Clauses inKorean-English Machine Translation,” Proceedings of the 16th AnnualConference on Hangeul, Language and Cognition, Oct. 9-10, 2004, Ulsan University, 232-239.
  28. *Un, K. & Ryu, B.-R. (2003): “Korean Verbal Noun Constructions inLKB System and Its Implementation,” Paper presented at the Annual Summer Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information [Jun. 28-29, 2003; Inha University, Incheon, Korea].
  29. Ryu, B.-R. (2002): “Structured Argument Structure, and the Distinction between the Primary and the Secondary Unaccusativity inHPSG,” in Proceedings of the 2002 LSK International Summer Conference, pp.519-529, The Linguistic Society of Korea [Paper presentedat the LSK 2002 Summer International Conference [Aug. 5-8, 2002;Kyung Hee University].
  30. Ryu, B.-R. (2001): “On Syntax and Semantics of the Conversion of the Participle II in German,” Proceedings of the Tagung der Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur [May 31, 2001; Won Kwang University].
  31. Ryu, B.-R., Kim, Y., Yuh, S. & Park, S.-K. (1999): “FromTo/KE: A Korean-English Machine Translation System based on Idiom Recognition and Fail Softening,” Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit VII - “MT in the Great Translation Era,” pp.469-475.
  32. Ryu, B.-R., Kim, Y.-K., Park, S.-Y. & Oh, G.-R. (1999): “Light Verbs and Sino-Korean Verbal Nouns in Korean-English Machine Translation,” Proceedings of the 3rd Chinese-Korean Joint Symposium on Oriental Language Computing and Pattern Recognition (Nov. 2-3, 1999; Beijing),
  33. Ryu, B.-R. (1999a): “HABEN oder SEIN: Ein kognitiv-linguistischer Ansatz zur Auxiliarselektion im Deutschen,” Proceedings of the 7th Sorak Symposium (Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1999; Daemyung Sorak Condominium, Sokcho).
  34. Ryu, B.-R. (1999b): “On the Middle Constructions in German (I) – Impersonal Middle Constructions,” Proceedings of the Autumn Conference of Koreansiche Gesellschaft für Germanistik 1999 (Oct. 22-23, 1999; Kangwon National University).
  35. Ryu, B.-R.(1998a): “The 3rd Constructions of Verbal Complexes in German,” Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Korean Society for German Language and Literature 1998 [May 8, 1998, Haegu University].
  36. Ryu, B.-R.(1998b): “Grammatical Status of sich and the Passivization in German,” Proceedings of the Spring Conference of Koreansiche Gesellschaft für Germanistik 1998 (May 30, 1998, Seoul National University).
  37. Ryu, B.-R. (1997a): “The Impersonal Middle and the Theory of Linking in HPSG,” Proceedings of the 31th Annual Linguistics Conference, Dec. 6, 1997, The Language Research Institute, Seoul National University.
  38. Ryu, B.-R. (1997b): “Argument Structure and the Typology of Subject in German,” Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Korean Society for German Language and Literature 1997 [June 28, 1998], Pusan University of Foreign Studies.
  39. Ryu, B.-R. (1996a): “Argument Structure and Unaccusativity in the constraint-based Lexicon,” in B.-S. Park and J.-B. Kim (eds.), Language, Information and Computation: Selected Papers from the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 11; Dec. 20-22, 1996, Kyung Hee University, Seoul), 327-336, The Language Education and Research Institute, Kyung Hee University.
  40. Ryu, B.-R. (1996b): “The Typology of Subject in German and the Theory of Split Intransitivity,” ms., Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG ’96) (May 20-22, 1996; Marseille, France).
  41. Ryu, B.-R. & Löbner, S. (1996): “Verbs and Times in Korean: A Preliminary Aspectual Classification,” ms., (to appear in Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 282 “Theorie des Lexikons”), University of Dusseldorf.
  42. Chung, J.-H. & Ryu, B.-R. (1996): “On an Aspect Changing Auxiliary Verb in Korean: -e cita (to become) Revisited,” ms., Department of Linguistics & Sonderforschungsbereich 282 “Theorie des Lexikons,” University of Dusseldorf.

Publications: Invited Talks

Invited Talks

  1. Ryu, B.-R. (2023): The Many Faces of ‘KES’ in Korean: Theoretical Controversies and Convergences, The 2023 Summer Conference of Korean Association of Language Sciences (Aug. 17, 2023, Online).
  2. Ryu, B.-R. (2022): Internally-Headed Relative Clauses: Issues, Trends, and Challenges, The 2022 Fall Joint Conference of the Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics prevnext (KASELL) and the Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL) (Sat., 10. 22, 2022, Pusan National University).
  3. Ryu, B.-R. (2013): “A Typology of Multiple Case Marking Constructions in Korean,” Paper presented at the Colloquium of the DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 991: Die Struktur von Repräsentationen in Sprache, Kognition und Wissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf [Sept. 19, 2013].
  4. Ryu, B.-R. (2008): “Corpus Linguistics-Fundamentals, Issues, and the State-of-the-Art,” FISA-Invited lecture delivered at the regular meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information,The Korean Society for the Study of Language and Information, Sept. 20, 2008 Daewoo Foundation Seminar Room, [Sept. 20, 2008].
  5. Ryu, B.-R. (2007): “Ontology: Fundamentals, Issues, and the-State-of-the-Art,” FISA-Invited Paper presented at the Regular Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [Mar. 24, 2007].
  6. Ryu, B.-R. (2005): “Toward a Deep(er) Grammar – A Case Study of Processing of Spatial Knowledge and ECD,” Paper presented at the 1st KRISTAL Research and Users’ Group Workshop [Aug. 18-20, 2005, Cheonghak Resotel].
  7. Ryu, B.-R. (2002): “Teaching Computational Linguistics in Korea,” Paper presented at the Summer Conference of the Linguistic Society of Korea (LiOK) [July 4-5, 2002; Pusan University of Foreign Studies].
  8. Ryu, B.-R. (2000): “Unification-based Grammars and Grammar Formalisms,” Lecture delivered at the 2nd Academy of the Korean Language Processing (Yonsei University) [Aug. 16, 2000].
  9. Ryu, B.-R. (1999): “Lectures on Minimal Recursion Semantics and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar,” Korean Society for Language and Information [Dec. 18, 1999; Daewoo Foundation, Seoul].
  10. Ryu, B.-R. (1997): “Hypothesis and Mismatches of Ergativity in German – An Argument Structure-based Analysis of Ergativity,” Paper presented at the Institute for German Studies, Seoul National University [Apr. 16, 1997].

Publications: Non-Refereed Presentations

Non-Refereed Presentations

  1. Ryu, B.-R. (2013): “Multiple Nominative Constructions in KoreanRevisited – A Lexical-Semantic and Constraint-based Perspective,”Paper presented at the Monthly Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [May 18, 2013].
  2. *Lee, E.-J. and Ryu, B.-R. (2011): “Linguistic Issues in Aspectsof Comprehension of Passive Sentences by Broca’s Aphasia,” Paperpresented at the Monthly Meeting of the Korean Society for Languageand Information [Mar. 19, 2011].
  3. Lee, S.-E. & Ryu, B.-R. (2007): “On the Customization of the Translation Patterns for the Korean-English Machine Translation Systems– From Patent Documents to Broadcasting News Texts,” Paper presented at the Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [Sept. 29, 2007].
  4. Ryu, B.-R. (2006): “On the Integration of the National Ontologyof Information Technology,” Paper presented at the Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [Dec. 16, 2006].
  5. Ryu, B.-R. (2005): “On Semantics of tasi (again) in Korean,” Paper presented at the Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [May 28, 2005].
  6. Lee, Y. & Ryu, B.-R. (2005): “Aspects and Constraints of theCombination of the Dimension Terms in Korean,” Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Modern Grammar Society 2005 (May 28,2005, Daegu University), pp.32-47.
  7. Ryu, B.-R.e (2004a): “On the System of the Dimension Cognition andthe Representation of the Dimension Knowledge,” ms., Chungnam National University.
  8. Ryu, B.-R. (2004b): “A Constraint-based Approach to ImpersonalMiddles,” ms., Paper to be presented at the meeting of the KoreanSociety for Language and Information [May 15, 2004, Daewoo Foundation, Seoul].
  9. Ryu, B.-R. (2004c): “Grammar Engineering from a Perspective ofCOLING 2004,” ms., Paper to be presented at the meeting of theKorean Society for Language and Information [Oct. 23, 2004, DaewooFoundation, Seoul].
  10. Ryu, B.-R. (2004d): “Development of a Syntactic Parser Using LKB(Lexical Knowledge Building) – Focussing on the Treatment of Verbal and Adjectival Constructions in Korean,” ms., Chungnam National University.
  11. Ryu, B.-R. (2004e): “A Constraint-based Approach to ImpersonalMiddles,” ms., Paper to be presented at the meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information (May 15, 2004, Daewoo Foundation, Seoul).
  12. Ryu, B.-R. (2003a): “Resultative Verbs in Korean,” Paper presentedat the Colloquium of the Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI) (Apr. 26, 2003; Daewoo Foundation, Seoul)
  13. Ryu, B.-R. (2003b): “A Constraint-based Approach to Case Markingand Non-nominative Subject Constructions in Korean,” ms., Chungnam National University.
  14. Ryu, B.-R. (2003c): “The Grammar of the ‘Dotted’ Coordination inKorean,” ms., Chungnam National University.
  15. Ryu, B.-R. (2003d): “Resultative Verbs in Korean,” Paper presented at the Colloquium of the Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI) [Apr. 26, 2003; Daewoo Foundation, Seoul].
  16. Ryu, B.-R. (2001a): “A Two-Level Approach to Auxiliary Selectionin German and Dutch,” Paper presented at the Meeting of the Korean Society for Language and Information [Apr. 21, 2001; DaewooFoundation].
  17. Ryu, B.-R. (2001b): “On the Lexical Structure of the Verbal Nominal Compounds and the Multiple Verbal Noun Constructions in Korean,” Paper presented at the Annual Summer Conference of the Korean Society for Language and Information [June 16, 2001; Chungnam National University].
  18. Ryu, B.-R. (2000a): “A Conceptual Lexical Analysis of the Spatial Knowledge in Korean,” Paper presented at the Korean Society for Language and Information [Jun. 17, 2000; Daewoo Foundation].
  19. Ryu, B.-R. (2000b): “Verbs, Times, and Resultativity in Korean,” Paper presented at the Korean Linguistic Society [Jul. 7, 2000; Chungnam National University].
  20. Ryu, B.-R. (2000c): “Argument Structure and Linking in HPSG,”Lecture delivered at the Korean Society for Phrase Structure Grammar [May 16, 2000; Chosun University].
  21. Ryu, B.-R. (2000d): “Argument Transfer and Argument Composition – A Constraint-based Approach to Multiple Verbal Noun Constructions,” Paper presented at the Korean Society for Language andInformation [Oct. 21, 2000; Daewoo Foundation].
  22. Ryu, B.-R. (1999): “A Corpus-linguistic Approach to ‘-hata’ Constructions and Its Application to Korean-English Machine Translation Systems,” Paper presented at the Korean Society for Language andInformation [Dec. 18, 1999; Daewoo Foundation, Seoul].
  23. Ryu, B.-R. (1998): “Theta Theory and Linking Theory in HPSG,”Paper presented at the Korean Society for Language and Information[Oct. 17, 1998], Daewoo Foundation.
  24. Ryu, B.-R. (1997a): “Problems of the Vendler’s Aspectual Classification – A New Proposal,” Paper presented at the Korean Society forLanguage and Information [Mar. 21, 1997], Daewoo Foundation.
  25. Ryu, B.-R. (1997b): “On the Problems of the Theory of the Theta-Roles from a Perspective of Grammatical Theory and Language Acquisition – An Alternative Theory and Its Formalization,” Paper presented at the Meeting of the Korean Society for Modern German Linguistics [Oct. 10, 1998], Daewoo Foundation.
  26. Ryu, B.-R. (1993a): “Negation, Dual Negation, and Duality of Delimiters,” ms., Paper presented at the International Workshop on Interface Areas in Korean Linguistics (July 17-18, 1993; Ohio State University).
  27. Ryu, B.-R. (1993b): “Grammatical Function Changing in Verbal Noun Constructions,” ms., Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (July 19-August 6,1993; Ohio State University), Seminar fur Sprachwissenschaft, University of Tübingen.


  • 1997.3–present The Linguistic Society of Korea (current position: Vice-President (Mar. 1, 2019-present)
  • 1997.3–present The Linguistic Society of Corpus Linguistics (President (Jan. 1, 2022-Dec. 31, 2023)
  • 1997.3–present The Korean Society for Language and Information (President (Mar. 1, 2017-Feb. 28, 2019), Editor-in-chief (Nov. 1. 2011-Feb. 28, 2015)
  • 1997.3–present The Korean Society for Cognitive Science (Vice-President (Jan. 1, 2011-Dec. 31, 2011 & Jan. 1, 2017-Dec. 31, 2017)
  • 1997.3–present The Korean Association for Lexicography (Member of Executive Committee (Mar. 1, 2017-Feb. 28, 2019)
  • 1997.3–present The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea (Member of Executive Committee (Mar. 1, 2017-Feb. 28, 2019)
  • 1997.3–present The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, SIG Human & Cognitive Language Technology (Member of Executive Committee (Jan. 1, 1999-present)
  • 2005.3–present The Korean Speech-Language & Hearing Association (Member of Executive Committee (Mar. 1, 2006-Oct. 31, 2009)
  • 2005.3–present The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (Member of Editorial Board (Jan. 1, 2007-Dec. 31, 2009)
  • 1992.3–present Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft
  • 1990.3–present Koreanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik
  • 1997.3–present Koreanische Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprachwissenschaft


  • Korean (native)
  • German (fluent)
  • English (advanced)

Computer Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, Perl, PHP.
  • Research Tools: R., AntConc, other corpus tools.
  • Web Design: HTML5, CSS.
  • Typesetting: LATEX

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